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February 25, 2008


Olivia Keister

I am again very grateful for the efforts of your postings. You talk about being challenged and feeling you know nothing in spite of the time you put in, I came to this work late! I did. I am (blank) years old and an actress who has worked mainly on stage. When I moved to New York I promised myself I would learn to dance. I was a waitress at the time and came into contact with real dancers, which for me was always my secret 'wish I had the guts to do that' fantasy job, and I was amazed at how well educated and dedicated these young, mostly women were to a field that was even meaner than my own. For years I dropped in to classes at various studios until I learned what I could dance-wise and needed a change. I moved on to Yoga, then Pilates. Last year I got sick of not having any other skill set than temping or waitressing and I decided to go out and get certified in what I was then practicing for about 8 years, Pilates mat. I seemed to have opened a Pandora's box and stepped into something that as you have just said, seemed to be filled with never-ending information. And the fear I used to have that someone was going to tap me on the shoulder and say, "Uh, excuse me, you are an actress and not someone who's been dancing since you were a tot, and I am pretty sure you can't straddle your legs on the floor and lay your chest down, so why don't you just leave," has gone and what's now in its place is the thrill of being involved in something that is accessible to any body any age any fitness level, and I won't hit a ceiling with it any time soon. My lack of knowledge used to be my fear, and now it's what keeps me happy in this field. Still not as happy as scoring a great role would, but my days are pleasantly busy in the meantime. This posting was great.

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