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April 03, 2008


Kira Morris

Hi Jennifer,
Thanks for being a regular "Rock Your Powerhouse!" reader. And, like you, I feel as if my Pilates practice is perfectly complete without some of those beautifully executed exercises by Peter Fiasca and his crew. But isn't it amazing to see how far we can take our practice if we choose too? Mr. Pilates was truly an innovative genius.
Rock Your Powerhouse!


Thanks for this post! It made me laugh for sure and made me feel not so guilty that I don't want to do Up Stretch with toes on blocks....really why is it necessary? I hope I never get bored in my pilates journey that I feel I have to do some of these beautiful, yet crazy classical moves. Again, thank you for your blog. I was away on vacation in Miami Beach with my husband and couldn't wait to check my google reader for your blog.

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