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May 28, 2008


Madeleine Butcher

The balance that comes from Pilates work serves us not not only in our daily lives, but when things go wrong - the balance we work towards guides us with our every movement.

So, I was recently hiking with my husband up in Mendocino County and was having a blast walking swiftly from stone to stone across a very shallow stream. I used to be the champ of this in my youth and was thinking of those days (I'm about to turn sixty - yikes!) when my foot slipped out from under me and I went flying up and then landed with the full force of my body weight on my lateral femur (thigh bone) and I thought to myself, this is the end of life as I know it.

Though I almost passed out from the pain, it was clear nothing was broken. Within moments I was standing and able to walk away (soaked & shaking like a leaf!) but upright and BALANCED.

I applied RICE (except no compression) and the next day there was the beginning of a nasty bruise, but nothing else hurt. Nothing! Nothing was out of alignment, no muscles were sore, I felt no trauma elsewhere in my body.

I was totally amazed at the deep strength and BALANCE that come from my Pilates practice.

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